Game Changer Shoulder Routine

When looking at the complete physique, nothing signals dominance quite like powerful, wide shoulders… It doesn’t matter whether you’re a man or a woman, shoulders are one of the muscles that your use most throughout the day. It’s important to keep them strong and healthy as you age to continue to look and feel your best.

There are three important parts of the shoulder/deltoid that you need to train:
Lateral / Medial ( Side )
Anterior ( Front )
Posterior ( Rear )

All these shoulder muscles are important. However, when it comes to shoulder health and posture, the rear delt / posterior muscles are the king.

Deltoid Muscles

BIG reasons you need to start training shoulders more frequently

The majority of people develop a slight hunch forward as they get older. This hunch can lead to weakness and imbalances in our upper back and shoulders over time. This is why each part of the shoulders is important. You may not realize it but people start to develop that forward slouch by :

1. Texting
2. Sitting
3. Working at a desk
4. Driving
5. And even Bench Press

Majority of these activities come from slouching and having a forward dominant posture. By focusing on Rear Delt exercises during your shoulder and back day, you’ll be able to notice how your posture is improving throughout the day. .

Bamtech USA shoulder training

When looking at the whole body, their are only two ‘ball and socket’ joints. Your hips and shoulder allow for rotational motions. Unlike the knees, which are not rotational and have limited range of motion, the shoulders are not limited to one plane of motion. As humans, we are constantly using our shoulder without much though it all. With activities such as doing the dishes, taking the trash out, and carrying a bag of groceries you are using a portion of shoulder strength to lift that load.

Here’s the thing, you don’t need to lift heavy weight on shoulder day to reap the benefits of an upright posture and god-like shoulders. Lifting heavy can cause serious problems for your shoulders due to the complicated and delicate muscles that keep them stable.

Many baseball pitchers have had career-ending shoulder injuries and now have posture problems for the rest of their lives.
Focus on training the 3 components of your Delt with a weight that your can confidently control. By hitting each of these muscles, you will have greater control of the shoulder joints when you’re deciding to do bigger, compound lifts such as:

1. Squatting
2. Bench pressing
3. Overhead press
4. Deadlifting

Bamtech USA greek god shoulder training

 Greek God-like shoulder Routine: ( Take around a minute rest between each set )

5-10 Minutes Warming up on treadmill or assault bike

Arm circles Going both ways ( 30 second each arm )

Seated shoulder Dumbbell press ( Warm up with one set of 30 ) Then 10,8,66 Sets with adding a small amount of weight each set.  

Seated Arnold press : 20,12,10,10 - Add weight each set

Cable Face Pulls : 4X15 

Rear Delt Machine Flys : 3X12

Bend Over Rear Delt Dumbbell Flys: 3X20 ( Keep weight at 5 - 10lb )

Plank : 2 X 1 Minute

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